Friday, May 18, 2007

Who likes skate boarding?

art for Doo gallery's Go Skate Day art show June 23rd. And since you can't spell Skate without "kate" here is my art for the show:

The web site will be up soon, very soon. Please love me. I leave the 4th of July and this will be my last art show here in the states for a while.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Windows Show Pictures!

Just some pictures for anyone who missed out on all the fun!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

what i've been up to latley

nude drawings from Drawing class, and a painting for the up-coming Sci-fi a go-go show ( a lot of dashes)

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

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I know i haven't updated in a while, but this is some of the stuff I've been working on, so check it out. The windows show went fantastic, my cabinet sold, and it was a blast! More pictures coming soon!

Friday, February 23, 2007

Tonight is my last night in the house that I grew up in. I sit her in my studio packing up my supplies, I am looking forward to the months to come, and I am excited about moving and going to art school. I talked to my uncle today and he is going to try to co-sign on a loan for me so I can have money for living expenses and tuition. He's awesome, this is the second time he's saved my life. Maybe I'll talk about the first time in another post. I wont have internet for a while, but everyone is welcome to leave me tid bits for when I come, back bigger and better than ever. I promise a ton of pictures next time!
I <3 anyone who reads this!

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Amish Country

My dad and his boyfriend are moving to Amish country. That is all. For now.

Friday, February 09, 2007

moving moving moving...

Okay, so I know it's been a while since I've updated, but I've been busy as hell. First of all I was kicked out of my house, although everything is okay now, it did have an impact on my day to day life. Then the internet has been out because dear old pops forgot to pay the bill for two months in row. I've been working on the cabinet for the windows show which is March 24th, at Doo Gallery in Cabbage town. The window was really dirty when I first got it. This is what it looks like now. , only all the balck paint in the middle is scraped off. This is the fabric that will be upholstered on the inside of the cabinent.
Also, my number one choice (University of the Arts, Camberwell College of Art) for schools accepted me and I will be moving to London in mid July, as an international student I am required to take 12 weeks long, 4 hour a day english class to make sure that i speak english proficently enough to be able to communicate... Even though I am from an english speaking country. So it seems that unfortunately I wont be able to work on as much art as I normally do, at least untill I get moved. But I just noticed that they are looking for a student muralist to paint a 30x8' concave wall, and I was thinking about doing a Tom O'loughlin background style a la Pink Panther painting, so maybe I will apply. I just sent in this portrait for consideration at The Eyedrum.
Art classes at state feel like a huge waste of my time right now. I feel like it's taking time away from stuff that I would actually enjoy doing. Wednesday we spent 3 hours drawing from slides in color blocks. I was pretty much wanting to die the whole time. Anyone who has seen my watercolor work knows that color is one of my natrual gifts, so not only is it boring, but its something I already know like the back of my hand. I know its good practice, but.. I need to practice in other areas more than I do in color. Color is like that trick people use who are unable to capture attention without it, ( i.e through means of construction, line, value, texture, etc.). A good color theorist should be able to implement a limited palette with interesting relations but not so interesting as to draw away from the important part of the image, because otherwise it just looks overwhelming.
In other news, my book is has begun marketing, which is the exciting part. So maybe with luck we will find a publisher. Or it could go unpublished for like... my whole life. Which would suck, because I really want to illustrate it, and I have some exciting ideas for it.
Also next weekend I am heading to New York with Jared and we are going to have happy fun good time, and I will be sure to take lots of pictures. I can't wait! Oh and for anyone who cares, my new AIM/ ichat screen name is ovarypunchface. So if you wanna talk to me for some reason, you can. Okay? OKAY!